看舞台剧uuu 的故事…---婉琪

逛了一天人民大学的校舍(放风筝、参观人大的“世纪馆”、“校史馆”、“博物馆”、“明德堂”和“法学图书馆” (若没记错的话,分别是人大的体育馆、人大建校历史的展览馆、中国原始至清朝出土文物的展览馆、大讲堂和法法律系的图书馆),其实我那天已经挺累了,坐在“明德堂”里时,有那么舒服的座位和冷气,我都不想动了,哈。


《楼ooo梯的故事》,(“楼”字要拉长 ‘ou’音来念,哈,当时剧前的介绍者真是这么念的。),讲述的是住同一个小社区的几家人之间的关系。背景应该是二、三十年代的欧洲。男女主角分别住地层及楼上。年轻时,他们相恋,但时过境迁后,他们最终嫁、娶的却不是对方,而是剧中的另两位角色。原因是男主角太一事无成,而当时暗恋女主角的人物(过后是她丈夫)比男主角更稳重、真诚。结果是这两对夫妻之间有了芥蒂。有尤其是在男女主角坦言嫁娶的不是真正所爱后, 两家的隔阂更深了。天意弄人,他们的子女竟然爱上对方。是要为他们父母再续这段缘分吗?还是又一次的错误?这楼梯好像没止尽。




中国情 - Tan Wenqi

对于一个每天清晨起来都得喝杯咖啡的我来说,两周的中国之旅,差点就要了我的命。 因为中国没有我所谓的咖啡。犹记第十一天行程在上海旅馆里看到一壶咖啡时,几进雀跃万分因为已有好些时日没喝着了,然而雀跃的心情很快就蒸发了,因为喝过以后才发现它更似咖啡口味的中国茶。虽然这是在这旅途中一个小小的不方便,但它体现出的确是一种隔阂。身为华人的我虽然在外表和语言上都和正统的中国人一般,但是在某些生活习惯上却和它们有着相当的不同,就连早晨的饮料我也偏向西方的咖啡而不是那一杯杯令人神怡的中国茶。可见虽然根还是一样的,然而由于时间分隔之长久,地理位置距离之遥远和政治体制分别之巨大,同样的一种人也会慢慢演变成似两种有着不同习惯,不同情操的族群。



Visit to Universities in Beijing - Shane Yan

The China leg of the Sino-Sing exchange began with our visit to Peking University affectionately known as ‘yi ta hu tu’ or ‘一塌糊涂’ by students from 北大. The reason for the name is because the university is known for its ‘ta3’ (塔)or pagoda, its ‘tu2’ (图) or library and its ‘hu2’ (湖)or lake. Taking a tour around the school, we were mesmerized by the presence of such beauty that lay within the premises of the university. As we walked along the lake (未名湖), we were also told that this was the very place which inspired many literary works and it would be highly possible that any one of the older gentlemen by the lake is a pronounced poet. Such culture, heritage and beauty…many of us commented that if we had this in our school, it would definitely be one of the best chill out place be it to hang out with friends or to sit under a tree to study. But of course, when one considers the weather that Singapore has, such a thought would need much reconsideration.

Unlike our visit to Peking University, we had the luxury of time at Ren Ming University. The most memorable of the visit to the school was the kite flying activity held at the stadium. As many of us had not flown a kite before, we were filled with excitement. Within a few minutes of presenting us with the beautiful kites, students could be seen running across the field in all directions trying to get their kites into the air. After many desperate attempts at trying to get our kite into the air, Darren and I gave up and went to join others (who had also failed in getting their kites up into the air) in chatek which was short-lived because we soon grew interested in the taiji class that was happening on the track. To the embarrassment of the teacher in charge who suddenly found that there were over 10 pairs of foreign eyes watching him, we spontaneously stood at the back of the class and made fools of ourselves trying to follow the teacher’s actions or the actions of the Chinese students in front of us. The lesson was very interesting and it made me realize why such a sport, as with other things like tradition, is kept burning brightly in China while it is in danger of extinction in Singapore. In Singapore where physical exercise (PE) lessons are about running or playing ball games of some sort, taiji is seen as an exercise for elderly people and it would not have crossed our minds as plausible for students to be learning it in school. Pondering on it, I think teaching students taiji would certainly give them a headstart and provide them with an activity to occupy themselves in future. Ostensibly, what goes into a curriculum is very important for inculcating or preserving values or skills in people.

Anyway, back to kite-flying. We finally realized that it wasn’t that we were horrible and kite flying but rather, it was because the kite we had originally was faulty and could not fly. Borrowing another group’s kite before we packed up to move on to our next activity, we took less than a few seconds to get our kite soaring in the air. It was an achievement.

Something else that really impressed me that day was the quality of the acting skills of the graduating students. We had the opportunity to catch a drama performance; ‘Staircase’ by a group of graduating students who came from all fields of life but had a common interest in acting. Although the script was passé, the acting was fabulous and was much better than any of the university productions I have ever seen back in Singapore. The facial expressions, the emotions, the confidence, the intonations…the entire package was a show worth remembering. Perhaps it was because of the language that made the performance even more heartwarming. After spending time in China, I have grown to love the language and realize that there are things that when said in Chinese, sounds a whole lot nicer, more sincere and harmless than when it is expressed in English. It also creates a more intimate feeling between people.

China, with its rich heritage, culture, scenery, language and of course the many friends made, you really cannot help but fall in love with it.

小叙中国两周...--- 林建裕

仅仅半个月前, 还依稀记得我们兴奋不已地踏上了为期两周的中国之旅。岂知只一瞬间,长达两周的旅程已告一段落了。俗话说:“读万卷书不如行万里路,” 相信每一位同学都无疑获益良多,不虚此行。与此同时,如陈教授所言,此行本着三大前提: 一,亲睹中国的经济文化发展,体会古老文化;二,亲历人民生活习俗,传统文化;三,促进彼此的来往与了解。



接着,我们起程到了山东,参观了著名的“一山、一水、一圣人”之中的趵突泉、大明湖、和孔老夫子的故乡,曲阜。 在山东大学内宾,我们还上了一场精彩的讲座,从中进一步地了解了山东农林牧副渔业的经济动脉。

然后,到了上海现代都市,不禁有了些许的亲切感,毕竟上海与新加坡多方面都很相似。在交通大学同学的陪同下,我们进行了有趣的竞争游戏,同时也参观了阔广的校园。在交通大学的安排下,我们也得此机会参观国际公司,Volkswagen, 在上海设立的“上海大众汽车”的制车厂,与中国企业,“宝钢”的制钢厂。
